The Mythril Treasury(ミスリルの宝庫)

    Shirogane: Ward 16, Plot 60 (Balmung World)

    Click "Treasury Manifest" to consult the list of weekly items!

    A Sanctuary of Opulence

    The Mythrite Suites - a Far Eastern hotel with a souk and information brokerage located within its walls . Its tagline is "贅沢を共有できる場所" - "Where Opulence can be Shared".

    A mid-sennight Delight

    This venue opens its doors during the evening hours in the middle of the week, with items on offer rotating on a weekly basis.

    The Regalia's Finest

    Operated primarily by the Othard Branch Angels of the Regalia, this leg of the company specializes in the care and well-being of all visitors, be they adventurer, common folk, or otherwise.

    Thiji Higuri, Diamond Sultan
    Yuanji Yuji, Othard Branch Head Secretary
    Baroness von Suna, Regalia Financier & Agent
    Hours of Operation: Wednesdays @6-9PM Eastern


    Several suns have passed since the events in Gyr Abania. The time was finally come for the Mythrite Sultan and his team to make the trip to the Far East.The Regalia's mission was thus: once they made port on Far Eastern shores, they would gather as much information as they could on the land at large, its customs, and its culture, and do their part in aiding with anything the locals might need. Once they’ve gained enough admiration from the Othardians, they would then request for a mansion to be built on their neutral territory, converting it into a hotel for those seeking a home away from home; a respite for the weary and transient. This was the Higuri Regalia's Othard Initiative.Sometime following Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon, prior to the creation of the Power in Beauty Catalogue, The Mythrite Sultan's Head Secretaries brought news that after much deliberation, that the Hingan government has finally given the authorization to release Shirogane to the adventuring public. Resolve renewed, Thiji's Angels and the Regalia waited patiently for the inevitable rat race and would thus be rewarded. With a property secured, and a variety of new materials from home at his disposal, it was time for the Othard Initiative to finally culminate with the hotel they have dubbed the Mythrite Suites - "Where Opulence Can Be Shared."Located within Shirogane's sixteenth ward on the sixtieth plot, the Othard Branch Headquarters can be seen from almost anywhere in the entire district. The towering pagoda of ice blue shines like a majestic glacier under the morning sun. A miniature forest rife with Sakura trees fill the front yard, and several benches are nearby for enjoying the scenery.


    1) Most important: Do not say or do anything that would tarnish the Regalia’s reputation. We’ve worked hard over the years to get where we are today, so please do not take our generosity for granted.2) We understand that everyone has needs. Please keep this in mind should you choose to engage in more… intimate activities (No public ERPing; take that into your private rooms – or the Quicksand – or the Bokaisen Hot Springs).3) Although the estate is within close proximity to a hot springs, please do not request the staff for extra towels – we are running a hotel, not a bathhouse.4) No bickering or hostilities in or around the complex. If you have any issues with someone, please settle them over at the Wolves’ Den or other appropriate theater for combat.THE HIGURI REGALIA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DEBAR FROM THE PREMISES ANYONE WHO CHOOSES TO DELIBERATELY DISRUPT THE SANCTITY OF THIS VENUE. PLEASE APPLY YOURSELVES IN A CORDIAL MANNER WHILST IN THE MYTHRITE SUITES.

    Below are the profiles of the individuals running the establishment during its hours of operation:

    Yuanji Yuji (ユアンジ・ユウジ)

    -Head Secretary of the Othard Branch-Manager of the Mythrite Suites-Proprietress of the Mythril Treasury

    Yuanji Yuji (Age 29) is a Lalafellin beauty from Kugane that sought out to meet the Regalia following a gathering held by one of Thiji's old friends. After showing her skills with the dagger to Head Secretary Sesena, she was immediately inducted into Thiji's Angels, making her the seventh person to join. She is a platinum blonde Dunesfolk with eyes of orangish-red, and wears her hair in a long ponytail.Despite her conservative and quiet countenance, Yuanji Yuji is a caring and gentle woman to the weak and innocent. A perceptive woman who thinks of the greater good for the company she now serves, she rarely has tolerance for procrastination or excessiveness. Whenever possible she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts.For her loyalty and service, she was chosen by the Mythrite Sultan himself to become the Head Secretary of the Regalia's Othard Branch, placing Yuanji in the same echelon as her once-superior, Sesena. After seeking tutelage from Baroness von Suna in the ways of mercantilism during the new age of adventure, she also founded - and now operates - the Mythril Treasury from within the Othard Branch: a Far Eastern bazaar where assorted curios and exclusive rare items are bartered.

    Baroness von Suna (フォン・スナ男爵夫人)

    -Financier & Numismatist of the Higuri Regalia-Monetarist Agent-Foreteller of "The Gilded Prophecy"

    A proud Ul'dahn citizen of thirty summers, Baroness von Suna is among the most decorated of the Mythrite Sultan's agents who enforces his magnanimity and is the arbiter of his financial strength, with a distinct accent to match. Shrouded in mysteries as vast as her coffers, the Baroness had established great infamy amidst Ul'dahn high society through her deeds in putting the less benevolent nobles - and any potential rivals thereof - in their place, which has coined her - pun not intended - as: "a dangerous woman with some money in her pockets".Recalling precious memories from a bygone event known as the Sea Breeze Bazaar, it was the Baroness who sought to revive a previous promotion that was ephemeral and spontaneous, which was originally conducted by the Regalia's Treasurer. Now, with plenty of time to ruminate and deliberate, the stage was set to give things another go, but with a more established structure this time, offering Yuanji and the Othard Branch her full support in getting this new initiative off the ground.

    Sasata Sata (ササタサタ)

    -Angel of the Othard Branch
    -Mythrite Suites Guardian
    -Benevolent and Playful

    Lalafellin in appearance, Sasata "Squirrel Girl" Sata is a fun-loving and mischievous manekineko - an auspice of Far Eastern myth said to bring good fortune and wealth to the houses they inhabit. With her strange powers tailored to altering the fates of those around her, she can be equal parts strong ally or deadly enemy. This trait has earned her a spot amongst the Regalia's Angels, and she has been one of the longest-standing members since before the Mythrite Suites was even formed.She is very close friends with Yuanji and the rest of the Othard Branch's roster, and tends to make trips to and from the hotel via strange portals, bringing back a lot of oddities never before seen, which can attest to her preference for more modern wear. From the sanctity of the Mythrite Suites' storerooms, Sasata keeps the establishment well-protected, and is responsible for its safekeeping throughout its lifespan.

    While the Mythrite Suites Hotel is the primary base of operations for the Othard Branch, the Mythril Treasury is the main attraction for this venue. Taking inspiration from the Regalia Largesse, The Higuri Regalia's reserve stock has seen vast accumulations throughout the years, and an executive order has been approbated by leadership, opening the Treasury for the purpose of offering items to the public - free of charge.As a "mini-Largesse", the Mythril Treasury will serve as a means of offering items to the community within a short window of time, while also being an RP hub for those looking to engage in pleasant conversation.

    Main Info

    During the hours the venue is active, the staff of the Higuri Regalia's Othard Branch will be on-site to offer wares to the public - FOR FREE (Tips and donations are always greatly appreciated, but never mandatory)!The items on offer will be listed here, and are constantly updated while supplies last, rotating on a weekly basis. A "most precious item/set of items" will be given away at the end of the month, the identity of which will remain undisclosed until the hour the Mythril Treasury opens. For this purpose, a raffle will be held, and participants will have the opportunity to win them!*To enter the raffle, simply ask the individual currently posted during that day; a tracker is kept throughout the night.*If your number happens to be drawn, you are offered a chance to decline a particular prize if you have eyes on another, but a winner will be decided for the sake of fairness.

    Treasury Manifest

    The items listed are what's currently in stock, and will be updated following the conclusion of each occurrence.

    1st Wednesday: Fashion Accessories2nd Wednesday: Emotes/Hairstyles3rd Wednesday: Minions4th Wednesday: Vanity Clothing
    Sabotender Parasol; Giant Leaf Parasol; Pastoral Dot Parasol; Statice's Wings; Archangel WingsGyr Abanian Plait; Saintly Style; The Bold and the Braid; Humbletriumph; Reference; WowSave the Princess; Yukinko Snowflake; Rorrolo Teh; Miniature White KnightScientist's Coat; Shishu Gozen Kochiki; Martial Artist's Vest (regular and sleeveless); Rebel Coat; Pajama Shirts (Plain, Cactuar & Chocobo)

    NOTE: Months in where there are five Wednesdays will be considered "Wild Cards", and the items given away as such are at the discretion of the Mythrite Suites staff and the Mythrite Sultan.